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Reflexology Research

by Barbara and Kevin Kunz

Dosing, Cancer and Reflexology

Nursing and Reflexology Research

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Reflexology and Neuropathy

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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists

Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers

Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family

A-Z List Reflexology Research Abstracts Update

Analysis of Reflexology and Cancer Patients

Brain Changes and Reflexology

Cancer Studies Span Six Countries

Dosing and Reflexology- The New Reflexology Revolution

Effect of foot reflexology on pain and fatigue in HIV/AIDS.

Expectant Mothers Helped by Reflexology

Korean Studies

Medical Applications of Reflexology

Research Abstracts

Research Analysis

Research Summary

New World of Reflexology Research

Recent Reflexology Research

Reflexology Research of Post Operative Pain Reduction

Reflexology Impact on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Reflexology Impacts Premature Infants

Scientists Peer Inside the Brain for Answers

"Vision Deficits" Reflex Area Work Linked to Visions Centers of the Brain

Paralysis Report

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Reflexology Research, P.O. Box 35820, Albuquerque, NM 87176-5820 e-mail: Click here Tel. 1-505-344-9392

ŠKunz and Kunz 2009

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