PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the effect of foot reflexology on vital signs, general fatigue, mood and foot fatigue in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. METHOD: Data were collected from a convenience sample of 11 patients who were admitted at S and E University Hospital. Changes in systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure(DBP), pulse rate(PR), general fatigue, mood status, and foot fatigue between pre and post foot reflexology were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test and Friedman test at 0.05 level of significance. RESULTS: There were significant differences in the SBP(p=.009), DBP(p=.014), PR(p=.015), general fatigue (p=.015), mood status(p=.007), and foot fatigue(p=.007) between pre and post foot reflexology. CONCLUSION: Foot reflexology can improve vital signs, general/foot fatigue, and mood status, therefore we recommend to use foot reflexology as an effective nursing intervention in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
Won JS, Jeong IS, Kim JS, Kim KS.,"Effect of Foot Reflexology on Vital Signs, Fatigue and Mood in Cancer Patients receiving Chemotheraypy," J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002 Apr;9(1):16-26. Korean.
Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College, Korea.
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea.
Head Nurs of GS Dept, Dondaemoon Hospital of Ewha Woman's University, Korea.
College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Korea. kimks@snu.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of foot reflexology on nausea, vomiting and fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. METHOD: The research was a quasi-experimental study using a non-equivalent pre-post design and was conducted from Jan. 26, to Mar. 20, 2004. The subjects consisted of 34 patients with 18 in the experimental group and 16 in control group. A pretest and 2 posttests were conducted to measure nausea, vomiting and fatigue. For the experimental group, foot reflexology, which was consisted of 4 phases for 40 minutes, was given by a researcher and 4 research assistants. The collected data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA using the SPSS WIN 10.0 program. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant decrease in nausea, and vomiting in the experimental group compared to the control group over two different times. In addition, there was a statistically significant decrease in fatigue in the experimental group compared to the control group over two different times. CONCLUSION: Foot reflexology was effective on nausea, vomiting and fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in this study. Therefore, foot reflexology can be usefully utilized as a nursing intervention in the field of cancer nursing for breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
Yang JH, "The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Nausea, Vomiting and Fatigue of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2005 Feb;35(1):177-185. Korean Department of Nursing, Inje University, Korea. jhyang@inje.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the effect of self-foot reflexology on peripheral blood circulation, peripheral neuropathy and to determine the feasibility of self-foot reflexology as a nursing intervention. METHOD: This was nonequivalent control pretest-posttest study with 76 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (ages between 40-79) recruited from public health centers in Busan city. Intervention was a 6 week self-foot reflexology, and outcome variables were peripheral blood circulation and peripheral neuropathy(tactile response to monofilament, intensity of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy). ANCOVA was used to do the statistical analysis. A .05 significance level was set for evaluating the effects of self-foot reflexology. RESULTS: The selffoot reflexology was relatively effective not only in reducing peripheral neuropathy(especially tingling sensation and pain) but also in improving ability to sense the 10-g force monofilament. CONCLUSION: Even though self-foot reflexology was not effective in improving peripheral circulation, it had good effect on improving peripheral neuropathy. Therefore self-foot reflexology can be used as a nursing intervention program for promoting foot care for patients with DM patients.
Jeong IS., "Effect of Self-Foot Reflexology on Peripheral Blood Circulation and Peripheral Neuropathy in patients with Diabetes Mellitus," J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2006 Aug;13(2):225- 234. Korean.
College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea. jeongis@pusan.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the effect of foot reflexology on vital signs, general fatigue, foot fatigue, mood, and blood glucose levels in noninsulin dependent patients. METHOD: The Research design of this study was nonequivalent control group quasi-experimental design. 18 patients were assigned to the experimental group, 24 patients to the control group. The data were obtained diaberic patients with ambulatory endocrine outpatients clinic patients from 40 years old to 70 years old. Experimental groups received foot reflex massage for 30minutes three times/week every other days, and Control groups did not received foot reflex massage. The dependent variables were blood pressure, pulse rate. visual analogue scale for general fatigue, foot fatigue, mood. and blood sugar levels. Data were analyzed with chi2test. t-test and repeated measure ANOVA at .0.05 level of significance. RESULTS: There were significant difference in the pulse rate, general fatigue. foot fatigue and mood according to group and time between pre and post foot reflexology. But this research did not prove to decrease blood sugar levels. Conclusions Foot reflexology can imorove pulse rate, general and foot fatigue, and mood status in diabetus patients. So further research need to explore the effect of decreasing of blood sugar levels.
Kim KS, "Effect of Foot Reflex Massage on Stress Responses, and Glucose Level of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients," Korean J Rehabil Nurs. 2003 Dec;6(2):152-163. Korean.
PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of Self-foot reflexology(SFR) on fatigue and sleep states in clinical women nurses. METHOD: This study was a nonequivalent pretest-posttest quasiexperimental. Women nurses were assigned to an experimental group (EG, n=20) or a control group (CG, n=20). The EG participated in SFR for a total of 40 minutes, 2 times per week during 4 weeks on their Rt & Lt feet. The CG did not receive SFR during the research period. The EG &CG had never before received SFR, and they had no open wounds or fractures. Data was analyzed using the chi-square-test, and t-test by the SPSS version 12.0 program at a 5% significant level. RESULT: The score of fatigue in the EG was significantly lower than that of the CG and the score of sleep states in the EG was also significantly higher than that of the CG. CONCLUSION: The findings show that the score of fatigue decreased and sleep states increased in the study. Therefore, we should consider SFR as an intervention on clinical nurses. However, it is still needed to verify its effects through more intensive study.
Ko YS, Park MK., "Effects of Self-foot Reflexology on Fatigue and Sleep States in Women Nurses," Korean J Women Health Nurs. 2007 Mar;13(1):21-27. Korean.
Department of Nursing, Kwangyang Health College, 233-1, Dukrye-ri, Kwangyang-eup, Kwangyang-si, Chonnam, Korea. sook4095@hanmail.net
Department of Nursing, Nambu University, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to identify the Effect of Hand Reflexology on Saeng-chi of physiologic, emotional & motivational responses and Immunity in ESRD patients who received hemodialysis in two general hospital from June to September, 2001. A two group quasi-experimental research with pre and post test design was used. The number of participants in the experimental group was 23, and in the control group, 20. The Hand Reflexology Intervention was developed by the researcher based on hand reflexology by Carter & Weber and Chi-massage by Chia. The Hand Reflexology was applied to both hands for 10 minutes per day, and 5 days by 5 times. To evaluate the effects of the program, pre and post evaluations were done. In the physiologic response, the PR was decreased at the 1st times post treatment and at the 5th. In addition BP was decreased at the 1st time, but not the 5th. After 5 treatments, there were significant increase in Hb and significant decreases in the BUN and Cr. levels in the experimental group. In the emotional and motivational responses, there were significant increases in vigor, mood, uplifts and self care agency scores in the experimental group. but there was no significant difference in the Rosenberg's self esteem score.In the experimental group, significantly increased CD4, and h/s ratios were found, also NK cells were significantly decreased, and there was a decrease in the CD8. However, no significant differences between groups were observed. There were significant increases in CD32, CD33, CD34 in the experimental group. The self care agency score correlated negatively with the CD8. From the above results, Hand Reflexology is shown to be an effective mind-body nursing intervention for enhancing Saeng-chi responses and affecting some of the immune responses. However, Immune cell activation and differentiation with hand reflexology will be achieved with future study.
Oh SY, "The Effects of Hand Reflexology on Saeng-Chi and Immunity in ESRD Patients," J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002 Aug;9(2):213-225. Korean.
Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Korea. seiyng5@snjc.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was done to evaluate the effects of foot reflexology on blood pressure, serum lipids, fatigue and self-efficacy in patients with hypertension. METHODS: The research was done between June 23 and July 31, 2003 and the design was an experimental treatment design. The thirty-four participants were assigned to either an experimental group (18) or a control group (16), Foot reflexology was administered twice a week for 6 weeks to participants in theexperimental group. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure in the experimental group compared to the control group. After the foot reflexology, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels for the experimental group did not decrease significantly compared to the control group. High density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein levels also did not decrease significantly after foot reflexology. Fatigue in the experimental group decreased significantly after foot reflexology. Self-efficacy in the experimental group did not decrease significantly after foot reflexology. CONCLUSION: The results show that foot reflexology is an effective nursing intervention to decrease systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and to treat fatigue but not serum lipids. Therefore, blood cholesterol should be further evaluated with a larger group of participants and for a longer period. Further research is necessary to evaluate and to compare effects of self-foot reflexology and foot reflexology.
Cho GY, Park HS, "Effects of 6-week Foot Reflexology on the Blood Pressure and Fatigue in Elderly Patients with Hypertension" J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2004 Aug;11(2):138-147. Korean. Department of Nursing Research Institute of Nursing Science, Pusan National University, Korea. gycho677@hanmail.net
College of Medicine, Nursing Department, Pusan National University, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was to evaluate the effects of foot reflexology on blood pressure, serum lipids level and life satisfaction in essential hypertension patients. METHOD: The research design used was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Foot Reflexology was used as the experimental treatment from June 23rd, 2003 until August 31st, 2003. Thirty-four subjects were assigned to an experimental group(18) and control group(16). Foot Reflexology was administered twice a week for 6 weeks and self foot Reflexology was administered twice a week for 4 weeks on the experimental group. RESULT: There was a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure but no significant decrease indiastolic pressure in the experimental group compared to the control group. The total cholesterol level in the experimental group compared to the control group was not significantly decreased after foot reflexology. However, the triglyceride level in the experimental group compared to the control group was significantly decreased after foot reflexology. On the other hand, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein levels in the experimental group compared to the control group was not significantly decreased after foot reflexology. Life satisfaction in the experimental group compared to the control group was significantly improved after foot reflexology. CONCLUSION: The results proved that foot reflexology was an effective nursing intervention to decrease systolic pressure, and triglyceride but not for the blood cholesterol but did improve life satisfaction. Therefore, blood cholesterol should be further evaluated in a larger group of subjects and for a longer period. Further research is regarded as necessary to evaluate and to compare effects of self-foot reflexology and foot reflexology.
Park HS, Cho GY, "Effects of Foot Reflexology on Essential Hypertension Patients," J Korean Acad Nurs. 2004 Aug;34(5):739-750. Korean.
Department ot Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea. Nursing Research Institute of Nursing Science, Pusan National University, Korea. gycho677@hanmail.net
PURPOSE: This study was to identify the effects of self-foot reflexology on urinary incontinence symptoms, vaginal contraction and daily life discomfort of middle-aged women. METHOD: Aquasi-experimental design was used. The subject were 39 middle-aged women with urinary incontinence, who were composed of 18 women in the experimental group, while 21 were in the control group. In the experimental group, self-foot reflexology was applied for 30 minutes, three times a week for 4 weeks. The obtained data were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test of SPSS. RESULT: 1. Frequency(U=78.00, P=.001), amount(U=65.00, p=.001) and the situation score(U=81.00, P=.002)of urinary incontinence were reduced significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group. 2. Maximum pressure(U=33.50, p=.000), mean pressure (U=38.00 p=.000) of vaginal contraction were improved significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group. 3. Daily life discomfort in the experimental group was reduced whereas that of the control group was increased(U=63.00, p=.000) significantly. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that self-foot reflexology is an effective method for reducing urinary incontinence symptoms and daily life discomfort and for increasing pressure of vaginal contraction of middle-aged women. Therefore self-foot reflexology can be considered as a independent nursing intervention for urinary incontinence.
Kang HS, Kim WO, Wang MJ, Cha NH., "The Effects of Self-foot Reflexology on Urinary Incontinence in Middle-aged Women," J Korean Acad Adult Nurs. 2004 Sep;16(3):482-492. Korean.
College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea.
PURPOSE; This study was aimed to identify the effect of foot reflexology massage on climacteric symptom, fatigue and physiologic parameters of middle-aged women.METHOD; A non-equivalent pretest-post test experimental design was used. Participants were recruited from the Community Health Center in Busan, Korea. Forty participants were assigned to either an experimental group(20) or a control group(20). Foot reflexology massage was administered twice a week for 6 weeks in the participant in experimental group.RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in climacteric symptom, fatigue, total cholesterol and cortisol level. However, there were no statistically significant differences in triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein. CONCLUSION; These results suggest that foot reflexology massage could be utilized as an effective nursing intervention to reduce climacteric symptom and fatigue in middle-aged women.
Lee YM., "Effects of Foot Reflexology Massage on Climacteric Symptom, Fatigue and Physiologic Parameters of Middle Aged Women," J Korean Acad Adult Nurs. 2006 Jun;18(2):284-292. Korean.
Department of Nursing, Inje University, Korea. lym312@inje.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was aimed to identify the effects of a self-foot reflexology massage on depression, stress responses and functions of the immune system of middle-aged women. METHOD: This study was a one group pretest-posttest experimental design and the data was collected from August 1st, 2004 to May 31st, 2005. The subjects consisted of 46 middle-aged women (40 - 64 years) who were recruited from the Community Health Center in Busan city. Subjects were not treated for 4 weeks, subsequently they were trained in self foot reflexology massage for 2 weeks, and then they did their own daily for 6weeks (2 days at the research center, 5 days at home).The outcome variables were measured 4 times, at baseline, pre training, after training, and after the intervention. The collected data was analyzed using repeated measure ANOVA by theSPSS/WIN program. RESULT: There was a statistically significant difference in depression, perceived stress, systolic blood pressure, natural-killer cells and Ig G. However, there was not a statistically significant difference in dyastolic blood pressure, pulse or serum cortisol. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a self-foot reflexology massage could be utilized as an effective nursing intervention to reduce depression and stress responses, and to strengthen immune systems in middle-aged women.
Lee YM, "Effect of Self-Foot Reflexology massage on Depression, Stress Responses and Immune Functions of Middle Aged Women," J Korean Acad Nurs. 2006 Feb;36(1):179-188. Korean. Department of Nursing, Inje University. lym312@inje.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was to examine the effects of foot reflexology on pain and depression of middle-aged women with Osteoarthritis. METHOD: The subjects were 41 osteoarthritis patients resided in the Jinju city from March to May, 2005. The foot reflexology was applied to the experimental group 3 times a week for 4 weeks, 30 minutes eachs. For the data analysis, chi-square-test was conducted to verify the homogeneity of general characteristics, and t-test was done to verify the homogeneity of pain and depression. To examine the relative efficacy of the intervention, test, paired t-test and repeated measures ANOVA were conducted. RESULTS: After foot reflexology,the subjects in experimental group showed significant improvement in pain (F=155.77, p=.000) and depression (F=20.00, p=.000). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the foot reflexology is effective in relieving of pain and depression. Therefore, it is necessary to develop foot reflexology as an independent nursing intervention.
Oh HS, Ahn SA., "The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Pain and Depression of Middle-aged Women with Osteoarthritis," Korean J Rehabil Nurs. 2006 Jun;9(1):25-33. Korean. College of Nursing, Gyeong-Sang National University, JinJu, Gyeongnam, Korea. nhsoh@gshp,gsnu.ac.kr Department of Beauty Design, JinJu International University, JinJu, Gyeongnam, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of foot- reflexology massage on body weight, lower extremity edema, and serum lipids in postpartum women. METHOD: This study was a nonequivalent control-group pretest-posttest design. Postpartum women were assigned to the experimental group (n=16) or a control group (n=15). Foot reflexology massage was applied 5 times a week, for a total of 2 weeks to the experimental group. The tool for measuring lower extremity edema was the girth of the thigh, and the calf. The measuring tool for serum lipids was total cholesterol and TG in blood serum by clinical process. Data was analyzed by chi-square-test, t-test, and paired test, ANOVA using SPSS/Win PC 14.0. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant decrease in levels of TG in blood serum in the experimental group compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: Foot reflexology massage is a useful nursing intervention that decreases serum lipids level in postpartum women. Therefore foot reflexology massage is recommended as a nursing intervention strategy for serum lipids reduction in postpartum women.
Park SH., "Effects of Foot-Reflexology Massage on Body Weight, Lower Extremity Edema and Serum Lipids in Postpartum Women. ," Korean J Women Health Nurs. 2007 Jun;13(2):105-114.
Korean.Department of Beauty Cosmetology, Vision College of Jeonju Completion of doctor course, Korea. shiningheart@hanmail.net
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of foot reflexology on premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea in female college students. The research design of this study was a quasiexperimental design. Of the forty female college students, twenty were assigned to the experimental group and, twenty to the control group. The data were obtained over 2 months(November 26, 2001 to January 31, 2002) from a nursing of C college located in S city. The instrument used to assess premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea was Keele?s VAS(Visual Analogue Scale) and opening records. Subjects in the experimental group received foot reflexology for 6 times with 1 hours during 60 days, and subjects assigned to the control group did not receive foot reflexology. Data were analysed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, X(2)-test, unpaired t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA, using SAS Program. The results of the study are as follow, 1.The symptoms which the group of experimental and the group of control discomforts the most are sensitiveness (35%), abdominal pain (30%), lower abdominal pain (30%) and lumbago (20%). The method of relieve premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea by which the subjects employ the most to solve their premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea is the getting along by enduring (67.5%) and bed rest (32.5%). 2.The mean score of the premenstrual syndromes and dysmenorrhea before foot reflexology was 8.35, it was 4.16 at the first menstruation after foot reflexology and 3.25 at the second menstruation for the experimental group. 3.The relieved symptoms after foot reflexology was fatigue(50%), insomnia(40%), abdominal pain(35%), lower abdominal pain (30%) and constipation(30%). Foot reflexology was effective in improve the symptoms of the female college students who have the premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea.
Kim YH, Cho SH, "The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Premenstrual Syndrome and Dysmenorrhea in Female College Students," Korean J Women Health Nurs. 2002 Jun;8(2):212-221. Korean.
Department of Nursing, Sun Cheon Cheong Am College, Korea.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of foot reflexology massage on sleep and fatigue of elderly women. METHOD: The study was performed from April thru July of 2004 on the nonequivalent control group non-synchronized quasi-experimental design. Fifty elderly women were selectedfor each group. The foot reflexology massage was performed for 45 minutes every three days for experimental group . The data were analyzed using the Cronbach's alpha, Chi-Square test, t-test and Repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni. RESULT: 1. The sleep score of the experiment group is significantly higher than that of the control group(t=-5.944, p=.000). 2 .For the experiment group, it is seen that the sleep score increases as the frequency of the foot reflexology massage increases(F=96.362, p=.000). 3. The fatigue score of the experiment group is significantly lower than that of the control group(t=4.356, p=.000). 4. For the experiment group, the fatigue is relieved gradually as the frequency of the foot reflexology massage increases(F= 118.444, p=.000). CONCLUSION: Based on the results described above, it is considered that the foot reflexology massage is effective for elderly women in promoting a good sleep and relieving the fatigue.
Jin SJ, Kim YK, "The Effects of Foot Reflexology Massage on Sleep and Fatigue of Elderly Women," J Korean Acad Adult Nurs. 2005 Aug;17(3):493-502. Korean.
Masan Samsung Medical Center. Catholic University of Pusan. ykkim@cup.ac.kr
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in Korea. Because of their sequelae, strokes are categorized as a sudden-onset. constant course chronic illness which needs continuous efforts for rehabilitation. Unfortunately. there are few community based rehabilitation program for post stroke patients who stay at home. The authors developed a community based selp-help management program for post-stroke patients to enhance their rehabilitation process. The program consists of five sessions and each session contains health education. ROM exercise, ADL training, and stress management like foot reflexology. A professor and two graduate students of nursing college coordinated the program. To test the effects of the program we conducted a 5 week program to the 10 conveniently selected post-stroke patients who were living in Kang-buk district of Seoul. The Questionnaires about ADLs. IADLs, depression and life satisfaction were asked to the all subjects before and after progarm. The hand grisp power and muscle strength of four limbs were measured at the end of each sessions. The analysis of data revealed that the program was effective to increase the ADLs, IADLs, and muscle strength and to decrease the depression levels of subjects. However, there was no significant difference between pre and post hand grisp power and life satisfaction. Because the program was effective to improve the physical and psycholocial function of subjects, we suggest continual development and implementation of community based self-help management programs.
Kim KS, Sea H, Kang J, "The Effects of Community based Self-help Management Program on the Activity of Daily Life, Muscle Strength, Depression and Life Satisfaction of Post-stroke Patients, Korean J Rehabil Nurs. 2000 Jun;3(1):108-117. Korean.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to probe the effect of foot reflexology education program on nursing students with constipation, anxiety and depression. This study was a quasi-experimental study of pre-test and posttest design on non-equivalent control group. METHOD: The data of this study were collected from October 28, to December 14, 2002. The subjects consisted of 61 nursing students (experimental group: 31, control group: 30) with constipation, anxiety and depression. 31 out of them were devided into the experimental group and received foot reflexology education program that was authorized by the World Foot Reflexology Association and made to suit for the subjects by the author for 6weeks composed of 2 weeks theory and of 4 weeks practical skill on the program. The effect of the program was measured by Bowel Function Assessment Form for constipation, State Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory. Data were analyzed by t-test, X(2)-test, Repeated measures ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple comparison using SAS/PC 8.12 program. RESULT: After all session of treatment, the score of bowel function assessment were significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group. Outcomes of 6 and 7 weeks were significantly different from those of pre-experiment. After all session of treatment, anxiety states were significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group. Outcomes of 7 weeks were significantly different from those of preexperiment. After all session of treatment, depression states were significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group. Outcomes of 6 and 7 weeks were significantly different from those of pre- experiment. CONCLUSION: The results are suggested that the foot reflexology education program might improve the bowel function, anxiety and depression for the nursing students with constipation, anxiety and depression.
Kim YH, Choi ES, "Effects of Foot Reflexology Education Program on Bowel Function, Anxiety and Depression in Nursing Students," Korean J Women Health Nurs. 2003 Sep;9(3):277-286. Korean.
Department of Nursing, Suncheon Cheongam College, Korea, College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea.
StrokePURPOSE: This study was to examine the effects of foot reflexology on ADL and fatigue in stroke patients. METHOD: The subjects were 31 stroke patients hospitalized in the Oriental Medicine Hospital of D University from June to November, 2002. Foot reflexology was applied to the experimental group twice a week for 6 weeks, 40 minutes each. For the data analysis, chi2-test was conducted to verify the homogeneity of general characteristics and clinical characteristics, and t-test was done to verify the homogeneity of ADL and fatigue. To examine the relative efficacy of the intervention, ANOVA and ANCOVA were conducted. RESULTS: After foot reflexology, the subjects in the experimental group showed significant improvement in ADL. They also had less physical, psychological, and neurosensory fatigue, which are three areas of fatigue. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that foot reflexology is an effective intervention that helps the body work efficiently, eases stress and strain, and enhances the homeostasis of the body through stimulating the reflex zone of internal organs in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to develop foot reflexology as an unique nursing intervention.
Song MR, Song HM., "The Effects of Foot Reflexology on ADL and Fatigue in Stroke Patients," Korean J Rehabil Nurs. 2005 Dec;8(2):139-148. Korean.
College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Korea. junhchoi@hanafos.com Nursing Department, Dongshin Oriental Medicine Hospital, Korea.
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