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Reflexology Impact on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

by Barbara and Kevin Kunz

Real potential for exists for reflexology to effect the human casualties of violent and natural occurrences around the world. Research has shown reflexology to effect post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as its common symptoms. With numbers of PTSD victims rising, the benefits of reflexology could be wide-spread around the world and among individuals of all ages.

Post traumatic stress syndrome is not just about soldiers. While concern has been raised about its projected impact on one-third of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the trauma of witnessed and experienced events has also been linked to: children in China's earthquake disaster zone, victims of community violence in Northern Ireland, aggressive and anti-social children in England, and policeman involved in shooting in America.

Specific reflexology research into PTSD as well as studies of common symptoms show hope for the victims as well as concerned loved ones and governmental agencies. Common symptoms include depression, insomnia and anxiety. Schools in the UK seeking to mainstream into regular classrooms children scared by traumatic events in their home countries have utilized reflexology to good effect. Social workers in Northern Ireland and reflexologists in Israel have also found reflexology to help.

Reflexology Research for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Symptoms

Israeli Soldiers

Israeli researchers found frequency to be important in treating soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Following the compiling of results, researchers suggested 2 or 3 sessions a week to achieve a more effective result.

Reflexology was applied to 15 Israeli soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder following the Yom Kippur War of 1973. The 50-60 minutes weekly sessions over 14 weeks showed improvements of symptoms on Day 1 and Day 2 after treatment. Day 3 found symptoms back as before. During a second cycle of 50-60 minutes weekly sessions over 14 weeks symptoms were measured immediately after the session and three days after. Symptoms on Day 3 were improved over those of Day 3, Cycle 1.

Cycle 1

Improvements on a scale of 0 (no change) to 4 (very positive change): Depression (Day 1 after treatment: 3.2/ Day 2 after treatment: 2.2), Outbursts (3.2/2), Muscle tension (2.9/2.2), Concentration level (2.8/2.2), Sleep scores (2.8/2.2); Improvements on a scale of 0 -5: General feelings (3.7/2.9); Reduction in medication by 50% (7 individuals /3 of the 7/ 1 of the 3)

Cycle 2

Depression Immediately after treatment: 2.16/ 3 days after treatment:1.16), Outbursts (2.79/2.05), Muscle tension (2.83/1.6), Concentration level (1.98/1.05), Sleep scores (2.56/0.64); Improvements on a scale of 0 -5: General feelings (3.04/1.2); Reduction in medication by 50% (11 individuals /3 of the 11)

(Meier Teichman, PhD (Clinical Psychologist and Head of Tel Aviv's University's Bob Shapell School of Social Work) and Scmuel Zaidel, "Experimental Treatment in Reflexology with Severe, Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder," Institute of Human Ecology) (Our thanks to Moshe Kiuchik of for tracking down and sending us the full study.)

School-Age Children and Mainstreaming

"... At present we are within four schools and one after school club where we offer a series of 8 ­15 weekly reflexology sessions to children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. These are specific partial treatments aimed at calming down the children and young people so that their behaviour becomes less challenging within the classroom and generally, making the mainstream more accessible.

"The children and young people's difficulties can vary from bereavement to neglect, sexual, emotional, mental and physical abuse as well as exposure to drugs and alcohol. Some have witnessed and experienced horrific events within their country of origin and are separated from family members. ... The experience of living in an unsafe environment over a period of time or a severe threatening experience can cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or an unbalance within the bodies systems which can lead to anti-social behaviour...

"The results from evaluation to date show a reduction in aggression, stress and anxiety and an improvement in focus, concentration, self esteem, listening skills and confidence." BUD, Therapies for Life, Accessible complementary therapies for vulnerable children and adults to improve quality of life (

Victims of Community Violence

"Researchers found that voluntary reflexology work and befriending were significantly related to improvements for post-traumatic stress victims in Northern Ireland. Researchers were exploring voluntary work as a practice in social work. Establishment of evidence-based practices "has become accepted as a benchmark for service delivery in almost areas of social work."

Seventy-five service users were followed over a nine to twelve month period with a completed research inventory up to four times. "'The results showed that despite detrimental effects of additional life stresses, psychological health and depression scores improved for all service users. Some community-based services (befriending) and some complementary therapies (reflexology) were significantly related to these improvements. Changes in post-traumatic stress disorder severity were not significant...'"

(Dillenburger, Karola, Fargas, Montserrat, Akhonzada, Rym, "Evidence-Based Practice: An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Voluntary Sector Services for Victims of Community Violence," British Journal of Social Work , August 9, 2007; Correspondence to Dr. Karola Dillenburger, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, The Queen's University of Belfast, 6 College Park, Belfast B17 1LP, N. Ireland. E-mail:

Other Studies

Eight studies show an improvement in mood or lessening of depression. Anxiety was significantly decreased, decreased or lowered for particpants in 9 studies: Nine studies show improved sleep patterns.

PTSD in the Workplace and at Home; Reflexology Helps Communication

The human toll of traumatic events is literally brought to work and home. Teresa Difranza, EAP/ CISM Coordinator of the Jacksonville, Florida Sheriff's Office notes the impact of PTSD on policeman placed in the position of shooting a criminal suspect. In addition, PTSD is not uncommon among soldiers returning to regular jobs as police officers after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Sheriff's Department has instituted an experimental program using reflexology to help dispatchers with their stresses of being an "ear witness" to traumatic events.

Aside from symptoms experienced by these individuals, Teresa notes the difficulties faced by families seeking to help. Traumatized individuals have difficulty communicating their emotions and experiences. Many go silent, leaving loved ones unable to help. Reflexology offers a possible solution.

Reflexologists note the talkativeness of clients during a reflexology session. Clients recount their life experiences, illnesses, and current stresses. (This author has been through World War II in the Pacific as well as in Europe and practically any family emergency imaginable as the client relaxes and feels like talking.)

Professionals working with mental illness have documented the use of reflexology in their work. In a classic study, Petra Trousdale of the UK noted her study's impact on women with emotional needs as: "improvement in communication and ability to articulate ideas more effectively as well as the "importance of being touched during treatment in a safe non-intrusive / abusive manner."

The use reflexology by families has been shown to help individuals with cancer. A study by Dr. Nancy Stephenson's study showed a "significant decrease in pain intensity and anxiety" with partner- delivered reflexology applied to patients with advanced cancer." In a landmark study Barbara Zeller-Dobbs of Switzerland noted: "Our purpose for using reflexology with these patients was to decrease their pain but we soon realized the beneficial effect of reflexology on the morale of patients and families. Something was being done for them. Patients expressed feelings of being less abandoned and the families expressed satisfaction at seeing that something painless existed that could aid their relative." (Dobbs, Barbara Zeller, "Alternative health approaches," Nursing Mirror (England), Vol. 160, No. 9, Feb. 27, 1985; PMID: 3634658)

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ŠKunz and Kunz 2009

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