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Reflexology Research Project, P.O. Box 35820, Albuquerque, NM, 87176-5820

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Please enroll me in the:

_____ Assessment for Reflexologists Class Saturday, September 30 - Tuesday, October 3, 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico My $300 refundable deposit is enclosed. (Refund must be requested before September 1.) I understand that the balance ($300) is due September 30, 2000.

_____ Assessment for Reflexologists Instructor Training Package and Course to be conducted Saturday, September 30 - Wednesday, October 4, 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico My $300 refundable deposit is enclosed. (Refund must be requested before September 1.) Includes the Assessment for Reflexologists Curriculum Package. I understand that the balance ($1700) is due September 1, 2000.

_____ Hand Reflexology Class to be conducted Saturday, October 28 - Tuesday, October 31, 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico My $300 refundable deposit is enclosed. (Refund must be requested before October 1.) I understand that the balance ($300) is due October 1, 2000.

_____ Hand Reflexology Instructor Training Package and Course to be conducted Saturday, October 28 - Wednesday, November 1, 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico Includes the Hand Reflexology Curriculum Package. My $300 refundable deposit is enclosed. (Refund must be requested before October 1.) I understand that the balance ($1700) is due October 28, 2000.

Location of classes: Albuquerque, New Mexico


Please send me the:

_____ Assessment for Reflexologists Curriculum Package, $1,250

_____ Hand Reflexology Curriculum Package, $1,250

_____ Information about the 250-hour Reflexology Curriculum Package

_____ My proof of completion of a course of study in reflexology is enclosed. (Copies       only.)


___ My check or money order is enclosed.

___ Please charge my: __Master Card ___Visa. My Charge Card Number is:

___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ __

Signature______________________________________ Expiration date___________


Name___________________________________________Email __________________


City/State/Province ____________________________Zip/Postal Code ____________

Phone number ________________________ FAX number ______________________


All prices are U. S. currency

Mail or fax to:

Reflexology Research Project, P. O. Box 35820, Albuquerque, NM 87176

fax: 505-344-0246 • phone: 505-344-9392 • email:

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