British researchers found that both foot reflexology and foot massage ... reduced menopausal symptoms of anxiety, depression, hot flushes and night sweats by some 30%-50% of what they were at the outset." Sessions were for 45 minutes, 9 times over 19 weeks (once a week for six weeks followed by once a month for three months).
Korean researchers found statistically significant differences in menopausal symptoms for women who received reflexology twice per week for 6 weeks as opposed to those who had not
Chinese researchers found that daily sessions of 30 minutes for 60 days showed results of: 40% of the women fully recovered (symptoms disappeared, no relapse at 2 months); 48% of the women had significantly recovered (symptoms disappeared, relapse at 2 months but disappeared with more treatment); 4%of the women had effective results (symptoms relieved) and 1 woman had ineffective results.
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ŠKunz and Kunz 2009