©Kunz & Kunz, Reflexions, Summer/Fall, 1996

A Change in Attitude Toward the High Heel

Lower heels now popular

A recent survey by the American Podiatric Association and Dr. Scholl's found a changing attitude among women toward the wearing of high heels. Only a quarter of women wear high heels to work. Almost half of all women don't wear high heels on a daily basis anymore. In addition, half of women 18 to 24 consider a one inch heel "high." (Smith Brinson, Claudia, "Women say bye to high heels, hello to happy feet," Albuquerque Journal, Sept. 7, 1996, p. B5)


How Fit Are Your Feet?

Foot Facts


Waiting tables, carrying mail and working in a factory are jobs toughest on the feet according to a Dr. Scholl poll of 1,230 podiatrists published in the October 21 Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Scholl's is the foot-care unit of Schering-Plough Corp., Madison, N.J.

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