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Mom Power is Back

Family picture

by Barbara and Kevin Kunz

Thirty years ago and more, reflexology was fueled by mom power. Drawn to reflexology were mothers concerned about helping a child's health problem, interested in seeking family wellness outside of the medical model, or living in a rural area with poor accessibility to medical care.

And, now, she's back. The reflexology mom, we'll call her. Her primary motivation remains the same: helping a loved one or loved ones. This admirable character extends the care of her family and their needs, taking into her own hands through reflexology their health and well-being.

A low-cost health care system grew on its own as reflexology was applied by mom, the individual most in touch with the health status of her family, as she served as the health care giver to their children, the elderly, spouses, and friends. There's no way to calculate money saved over the years from costs of medication, side effects of medication or time spent sitting in a doctor's waiting room.

Mom powered reflexology is more popular now than ever before. Mothers are attracted by reflexology's easy usability and result-getting potential. In addition, it's a natural therapy that provides a quiet moment of touch and communication with a loved one. Also, many moms now believe in reflexology fitness, maintaining wellness in general by applying reflexology for such a goal. For others, disenchantment with medical care or even economic necessity make reflexology an attractive complement to health care for the family.

When we consider the reflexology moms we have known over the years, their stories are truly remarkable. Through their own efforts, they single-handedly made life better for themselves and their families. The mother of a college friend helped launch our own interest in reflexology more than thirty years ago. For this mother, her daughter's childhood injury, resulting in partial blindness and a "wandering" eye, became a cause to tackle. Through reflexology she succeeded in helping the injured eye track more normally. A friend who was enrolled in Kevin's first reflexology class succeeded in using reflexology for her daughter. Told by doctors to institutionalize her daughter following a brain injury and partial paralysis resulting from a car accident, the mother applied reflexology. It's been 32 years and, not only did Janey recover but she returned to teaching and is now retired.

More recently a reflexology mother wrote to tell us of the help she received from reflexology for symptoms of her Meniere's disease and subsequently, family health concerns. Her matter-of-fact letter is a truly touching testament to mom power. See

Of course, some things have changed over the years. What's changed for today's reflexology mom is that there are more resources at hand.

  • There are books, books and more books to choose among as resources or learning manuals.
  • Available research now allows the reflexology mom to know what science says about possible results and how much reflexology work is needed to achieve them.
  • Self-help tools are available to help keep mom herself going. In addition, their availability makes it easier to give the gift of health, one that will encourage a child or older parent to take responsibility for their own health and to give mom a break from being the only reflexology source in the family.
  • By the way, thirty years ago and even now, many reflexology moms launch a new career or life pursuit following successful results with their family's health. Success breeds more success as the reflexology mom goes on with her reflexology work, applying reflexology to friends and neighbors. What was called word of mouth is now considered viral communication. Such communication spreads the stories of success and many moms find themselves with an at-home source of income. Clientele comes from friends of friends and family as well as contacts from work and church. Ruth Hahn of Piqua, Ohio, for example, used reflexology to make more manageable her son's behavior resulting from brain injury at birth. She went on to extend her mom power to others, co-founding with concerned mom Gloria Hufford the Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development, now named the Hahn-Hufford Center of Hope which continues to use reflexology in its program.

    We close by saying thank you to the reflexology mom. Reflexology itself would not be here without efforts of those moms from years ago, and it wouldn't be such a vibrant and growing idea without the reflexology moms of today. Thanks for your work and the wonderful example you've provided, showing the power of a mom and the ability of an individual to create change.

    © 2009 Kunz and Kunz

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